How can I use this resource?

Do you want to experience a relaxing and stimulating activity that you can do with just your finger and a piece of paper? Check out this resource on finger labyrinths, an ancient and mysterious art form that you can trace with your finger while your eyes are closed. Finger labyrinths are a type of labyrinth that have a single, winding path that leads to the center and back. You can create these labyrinths by pin-pricking the paths with a needle on paper or using other materials. You can trace the path from the outside to the center, or from the center to the outside. In this resource, you will learn how to make different types of finger labyrinths, as well as their history and symbolism. Finger labyrinths can help you develop fine motor skills and concentration, as well as relax and just have a lot of fun as you trace them.

What does this resource contain?

In this resource, you will find 16 templates for different finger labyrinths and instructions on how to make and use them. Each template has a motif that is based on a historical labyrinth. You can print the template on white or colored paper and pin-prick the paths following the lines. The resource also contains a brief introduction to the history and meaning of labyrinths.

How to use finger labyrinths for relaxation and brain stimulation

Labyrinths are something special; they are easier to complete by feeling than with the eye. For this purpose, finger labyrinths were developed, which can be traced with the index finger while the eyes are closed. First, you pin-prick the labyrinth paths with a pin-prick needle. Then you flip the sheet over and use blind touch to feel your way through. You can feel the pin-prick points from left to right and glide to the center of the labyrinth - and from there back to the exit. It‘s amazing how quickly even beginners can rely on their sense of touch. Finger labyrinths are a form of meditation that can help you relax, focus, and cope with stress. They can also stimulate your brain and improve your memory and problem-solving skills.

About labyrinths

A labyrinth is a system of winding lines or paths where one could easily get lost because of the numerous changes of direction. Labyrinths are one of the oldest symbols of humanity. For thousands of years they have been carved into rocks, painted on ceramics, or laid out on the ground with stones. There are two types. An original labyrinth is made up of winding paths without any intersections, that all eventually lead to the center. The only way to get out of such a labyrinth is to go back the way you came. These original labyrinths later developed into mazes with confusing, lateral intersections and dead ends, in which one can get lost.The most famous labyrinth is the Labyrinth of Knossos on the island of Crete, which King Minos had built by the ingenious inventor Daidalos to imprison the Minotaur there. The Minotaur was a monster with a human body and a bull‘s head. When Prince Theseus traveled to Crete to kill the Minotaur, the king‘s daughter Ariadne fell in love with him and gave him a ball of yarn to help him find his way out of the labyrinth again. Ariadne told him to tie one end of the ball of yarn close to the entrance and unwind the yarn with each step. Once he had accomplished his brave deed, Theseus picked up the ball of yarn and with it, found his way out of the labyrinth.

Download this resource and let your kids start their finger labyrinth journey today!

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Finger Labyrinths

Explore the ancient art of labyrinths! Trace them with your finger and close your eyes. This is a relaxing and brain-boosting activity.

Grade Levels
Grade Levels
K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Print Yourself PDF
Print Yourself PDF
21 pages, Instant Download: 1 PDF
Skill Focus
Skill Focus
Fine Motor Skills
Occupational Therapy, Problem Solving
Subject Area
Subject Area
Pin Pricking
Paper Crafts, Needlework
Popular Themes
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Fun & Games
Resource Type
Resource Type
Games & Puzzles

Finger Labyrinths

Explore the ancient art of labyrinths! Trace them with your finger and close your eyes. This is a relaxing and brain-boosting activity.

$ 4,90

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