How can I use this resource?

Floating letters is a wonderful project for kids to learn about optical illusions. With our readymade templates kids can create their own optical illusions of letters floating on paper.

What does this resource contain?

This resource contains coloring templates for all 26 letters of the alphabet and step-by-step instructions for coloring them to create the illusion of perspective and space.

What are Optical Illusions?

Optical illusions are fascinating tricks that can play with our eyes and minds. They are images or objects that appear to be something different from what they actually are. These illusions can be found in nature or can be created through art or design. 

One of the most popular examples of optical illusions for kids is the illusion of space. This is when objects are drawn on paper in a way that they appear to be three-dimensional, giving the impression that they are jumping off the page.

For kids, optical illusions can be a fun way to learn about how our eyes and brains work together to perceive the world around us. They can also encourage creativity and critical thinking as kids try to figure out how the illusions work.

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Floating Letters
Learn to draw 26 capital letters in perspective with these readymade templates.
Grade Levels
Grade Levels
1st, 2nd, 3rd
Print Yourself PDF
Print Yourself PDF
31 pages, Instant Download: 1 PDF
Skill Focus
Skill Focus
Spatial Awareness
Subject Area
Subject Area
Arts, Languages
Holidays & Seasonal
Holidays & Seasonal
Back to School
Popular Themes
Popular Themes
Art Projects for Kids
Resource Type
Resource Type
Coloring Pages, Worksheets
Labbé PDFs
Labbé PDFs
What you’ll need
Scissors, Pencil, Printing paper
20 min +
6 years +

How about creating some cool optical illusions with 3D letters that pop out of the paper? In this project, you will learn how to draw 26 capital letters in perspective with our easy step by step tutorial. To get started, all you need is to download and print our templates. You can either buy all the 26 templates or get started with our freebie version of the letter A.

Just choose the one that you like and print it on some thick white paper.

Shade all the underside surfaces with a pale grey pen or pencil.

Shade all the right-hand surfaces with a darker grey pen or pencil.

Color the shadowed area with a black pen or pencil.

Cut out the letter and its back- ground along the dotted lines...

... and stick it to a medium grey or colored piece of paper.

Floating Letters

Learn to draw 26 capital letters in perspective with these readymade templates.

$ 4,90

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