Floating Letters: A Cool Way to Learn about Optical Illusions and Perspective Drawing

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What you’ll need
Scissors, Pencil, Printing paper
20 min +
6 years +

How about creating some cool optical illusions with 3D letters that pop out of the paper? In this project, you will learn how to draw 26 capital letters in perspective with our easy step by step tutorial. To get started, all you need is to download and print our templates. You can either buy all the 26 templates or get started with our freebie version of the letter A.

Just choose the one that you like and print it on some thick white paper.

Shade all the underside surfaces with a pale grey pen or pencil.

Shade all the right-hand surfaces with a darker grey pen or pencil.

Color the shadowed area with a black pen or pencil.

Cut out the letter and its back- ground along the dotted lines...

... and stick it to a medium grey or colored piece of paper.

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FREEBIE: Floating Letters
Learn to draw the letter A in perspective.
Floating Letters
Learn to draw 26 capital letters in perspective with these readymade templates.
$ 4,90