To get started, all you need is to download and print our Hanging Advent Cutouts templates. Choose the cutouts you like and print them out on white or colored paper. You will also use this sheet to print again on the reverse side.
How to Decorate your Space with Hanging Cutouts for a Festive Touch
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What you’ll need
Colored printing paper,
5 years +
30 - 60 minutes
Choose a pattern and print it on the back of the sheet. Which way to place the paper into the printer tray varies depending on the printer you use.
If you want to have several different designs, repeat this process with another sheet of paper using different cutouts and patterns.
Fold the sheet of paper along the dotted lines so the pattern is on the inside. Cut out the shape through all layers.
Glue two identical shapes on either side of a piece of string so the pattern is visible on both sides.