How to Make Charming Sun Catchers for Winter

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What you’ll need
Scissors, Tissue paper, Heavy printing paper, Glue
30 - 60 minutes
4 years +

To get started, all you need is to download and print our Sun Catcher - Winter templates.

Print out the desired templates on heavy printing paper. 

Fold the sheet of card in half along the middle line.

Cut out the motif along the outlines through both layers of card.   

Fold both motifs in half along the dotted center lines. 

Cut out the center parts along the inner contour lines.

Unfold both motifs. 

Stick torn or cut tissue paper onto the printed side of one frame until the inner area is covered.

Stick the second frame onto the first with the edges aligned and the printed sides on the inside.

Cut off the tissue paper that’s sticking out from the outer edges and hang the sun catcher in the window.   

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Sun Catcher - Winter
Kids will love creating these beautiful winter-themed sun catchers with 12 different motifs.
$ 4,90