How can I use this resource?
Create an impressive 21-inch tree circle with 12 deciduous trees. Learn to identify trees by their leaves in an engaging educational experience. This resource showcases the trees in both summer and winter, featuring leaves and fruit. Deciduous trees can be identified by their unique leaves. In summer, each species has distinct leaf size, shape, and appearance. For instance, birch leaves are small, while chestnut leaves are large. Leaf color and edges also vary. Identifying trees is easiest by their leaf shape - like distinguishing a willow leaf from a maple leaf. In winter, when leaves have fallen, tree identification is more challenging. However, with practice, you can discern species by their size and shape from a distance.
What does this resource contain?
This resource offers segments for 12 distinctive deciduous trees, including Beech, Oak, Ash, Birch, Elm, Poplar, Willow, Hazel, Maple, Chestnut, Linden, and Alder. Engage in hands-on learning as you piece together this educational project showcasing trees in various seasons.
Discover deciduous trees with our Tree Circle templates. Make a 21-inch poster while learning about these wonders of nature!
Tree Circle
Discover deciduous trees with our Tree Circle templates. Make a 21-inch poster while learning about these wonders of nature!